Innovation and Customer Service
Innovation and R&D
OSE has been focusing on product line and market positioning since 2003, and has focused its operations on packaging testing of various applications of flash memory. At present, in the field of flash memory product packaging, it has a place in the industry. In addition to strengthening the development of the CSP BGA market and continuously improving the production efficiency, the company will continue to deepen the memory market and expand the development of the Internet of Things and automotive electronics. The application market of related products to enhance the company’s business sources.

Customer Service and Communication
Through the core advantages of process innovation, information technology innovation and enterprise process innovation, OSE continues to provide IC packaging & test manufacturing services and professional Electronic Manufacturing Services to international customers and niche high-growth small and medium-sized customers. With a high-quality diversified cost structure, capacity scale, delivery speed and global operations support, we have become a good partner for our customers.

Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is the most powerful marketing tool and language for business operations. OSE has gained customers’ trust in the company through customer satisfaction surveys and quality sales services. OSE continuously improve service quality with the feedback from customers and the results of satisfaction evaluation; provide customers with a full range of services and high quality products to further enhance the competitiveness of products in the global market.
In 2023, target customers who responded to OSE’s satisfaction survey were the top 10 customers of FMC, the top 10 customers of LIC, and the top 12 customers of EMS, accounting for more than 80% of OSE’s revenue. The average satisfaction score of the 6 major items was higher than 4 points, in line with our goals. We we also considered it an important affirmation for our products and services.
Management of Customer Confidential Information
We value the confidential information and privacy of our customers and committed to the safety management of confidential information. Confidential data management procedures and specifications are defined to ensure the rights of the company and its customers.
Customer complaint management process
We value the issues of customer feedback and response, and manage customer issues in a timely and effective manner through a complete customer complaint process management.